Our quality standards expertise is centred on supporting health, community and support services organisations through providing JASANZ accredited certifications and specialist accreditation programs.
Our team works with you to ensure the quality standards certification your organisation needs will achieve your objectives with minimal disruption to your business, people and clients.
Where your organisation needs certification to more than one quality standard, talk to our friendly team about how to streamline and harmonise these to further reduce cost and disruption. Our team are specialists in combining audits to meet your unique requirements.
NDIS Practice Standards
To achieve registration as a NDIS provider, the NDIS Commission requires assurance that certain standards of quality and safety in the delivery of services and supports are met. Providers will require either verification or certification of their services to achieve registration.
Human Services Quality Standards
This is the quality assurance framework used by several Queensland Departments’ for assessing and promoting improvement in the quality of human services.
National Standards for Disability Services - Disability Employment and Supported Employment Services
This standard applies to organisations that receive Commonwealth funding for programs administered by the Department of Social Services for disability employment and supported employment services.
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
Implementing a quality management system will help you to focus on the important areas of your business and improve organisational performance. Achieving certification to the ISO 9001:2015 standard indicates to your customers that your quality management system meets international standards and your organisation is committed to continuous improvement.
Alcohol and other Drug and Human Services Standard
This standard is for organisations providing human services in the alcohol and other drug sector to ensure that their services are safe, quality, evidence-informed and culturally responsive.
Standards for Therapeutic Communities and Residential Rehabilitation Services
This standard is for organisations providing services to adults, young people, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are resident members within a Therapeutic Community or Residential Rehabilitation Service.
National Standards for Disability Services - Disability Advocacy Program
This standard applies to organisations that receive Commonwealth funding for programs administered by the Department of Social Services for disability advocacy.
IHCA Certification is endorsed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care as an Approved Accrediting Agency to assess health service organisations against the National Safety and Quality suite of standards. We are approved by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to audit organisations holding a Workforce Australia contract. We have been assessing organisations against the National Standards for Mental Health Services since their inception.
National Safety and Quality in Health Service Standard
These standards provide a nationally consistent statement of the level of care consumers can expect from health service organisations.
National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standard
These standards aim to improve the quality of digital mental health service provision, and to protect service users and their support people from harm
National Safety and Quality Primary and Community Healthcare Standards
These standards aim to protect the public from harm and improve the quality of primary health care delivered.
National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations
These standards are designed to improve the safety and quality of care for consumers, their families, and carers, while offering best practice guidance for community-managed service providers. Accreditation is voluntary, unless mandated by your funding body, and is conducted every three years.
National Standards for Mental Health Services
IHCA Certification is committed to working closely with mental health services in planning the audit, the audit processes, the timing of the audit cycle.
Quality Assurance Framework for Workforce Australia providers
Workforce Australia commenced on 4 July 2022. Employment service providers who were awarded licenses are now required to undergo a Quality Principles Audit and either certification to ISO 9001:2015 or the National Standards for Disability Services (NSDS).
what makes us different
supporting excellence
We work with integrity, passion and professionalism to improve quality and deliver a lasting and valuable impact for those we work with.
For over 30 years, we have been supporting organisations in the health, community and support sectors to continually improve their quality standards so they can provide better service for their customers. Our unique level of skills and knowledge in these specialised areas allow us to provide expert advice and have a lasting and valuable impact.
We value Passion, Excellence, Integrity & Impact
They have a deep understanding of the sector that I work in, the community or social services sector, and they understand the complexity. Despite that, over the years that they’re doing an audit on something which is really about rules and regulations, they actually understand that in a real-world context, you can’t always have 100% compliance to every rule because you have exceptional circumstances, and they were just fabulous in understanding that.
Kate V.
We’ve had a number of audits across about 3 years and we’ve found them professional, helpful. They are knowledgeable, they can ask good questions, which gives you the opportunity to find opportunities for improvement. They’re quite helpful in making suggestions, recommendations, observations that you can actually work on to improve the services. I have found that at audit time you have the opportunity to have a discussion with the auditors and whilst not giving away any trade secrets, they can suggest best practice you can work towards.
Jeannine H.
We’ve been working with IHCA for 17 years. We started our Quality journey with them back in the early 2000s. And we chose them at the time because we were a much smaller organisation then, and we felt that they were the most aligned with our kind of work. We went for our first lot of national standards for our private hospital in 2013, we were just very lucky to have them because we needed to use the same auditing company for both and they were one that did National Standards so it was really beneficial to us because we’re a very unique private hospital.
Beth H.
I guess I could say that they’re very professional in their dealings with us, you know, at all levels of the organisation, from Fiona down through the schedulers for audits, through the girls that work in the office and anyone answering the phone. It’s a professional service and we just love it. The auditing team they use when they come into an organisation, they’re just amazing. They are great assessors and thorough and they communicate really well. They put people at ease. So, from the business side to the auditing side, it’s just really good.
Anne J.
Utilising their services for 16 years now or maybe longer. We could use anybody that we want. And, you know, we have had any or any number of organizations present their credentials to us seeking our business. But at the end of the day, we haven’t gone with anybody other than IHCA. I suppose a lot of the reason for that comes down to relationship management. We have a good relationship with them. We understand each other. We think they’re a good auditing body. We’re satisfied staying with them. We use them for a number of standards, not just ISO 9001. We also use them for the NDIS and the Human Practices, Human Services quality framework.