human services quality standards

National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations

The National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations (NSQMHCMO Standards) are designed to improve the safety and quality of care for consumers, their families, and carers, while offering best practice guidance for community-managed service providers. Accreditation is voluntary, unless mandated by your funding body, and is conducted every three years.

What’s involved?

The process begins with a self-assessment, which will help you understand and apply the standards. Following this, an onsite assessment will be conducted to review your self-assessment and supporting documents, interview staff, and engage with your service users.

If any standards are not met, you will have the opportunity to address them during a remediation period. A follow-up assessment will then review the implementation of your corrective actions.

Once completed, your organisation will be awarded accreditation. You will receive an accreditation logo to display at your entrance and on your website.

Why choose us

Our team of staff and assessors are experienced professionals with a background in your sector, giving us a deep understanding of your services and consumers. We collaborate closely with you to plan the assessment process and help you achieve accreditation.


Formal accreditation decision

Upon completion of your assessment and fulfillment of all required actions, we will provide a written report to your organisation and issue a Certificate of Accreditation based on the Standards. You will also have the right to use IHCA Certification’s distinctive symbol in your promotional activities. The results of your assessment will be shared with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

More Information

For more information about the NSQMHCMO Standards, please visit the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare website.


To ensure you're fully prepared for your assessment, you must complete the NSQMHCMO Standards self-assessment. This will help you gather the necessary evidence to meet all the requirements of the Standards. We will review your completed self-assessment and development plans as part of the assessment process.

Accreditation Assessment

The assessment team will consist of qualified assessors with relevant experience in community managed mental health services and assessments. The process will begin with an entry meeting with the leadership team, governing body and other interested people. The Assessment Team Leader will outline the conduct, duration, and scope of the assessment. The assessment will involve reviewing your self-assessment responses and supporting documents, interviewing staff, and engaging with your service users.

At the end of the assessment, the findings will be presented to your organisation's management and other interested parties, detailing your compliance with the Standards' requirements.

Remediation Period and Final Assessment

The Assessment Team Leader will outline the follow-up actions required to address any items identified as ‘not met’ or ‘met with recommendations’ during the assessment. You will have up to 60 business days to resolve these issues, which will be reviewed in a Final Assessment. This review will take place within 60 business days of the last day of the Accreditation Assessment.


We are here to help. Talk to us today about how we can support your organisation in achieving excellence in quality standards and service delivery.